at Psychodrama Centre Orpheus
- Oct 21st, 1993 – Professor David Kipper: “Actions Speak Louder Than Words”
With this lecture in front of the crowded audience of the Department of Medicine at the Medical Academy, was essentially an official opening of the Orpheus Psychodrama Center to the professional community and the mass media. - April 15th, 1995 – Elaine Sachnoff: “Psychodramatic Work with Victims of Violence”
- April 4th, 1996 – Sue Daniel: “Developing a healthy group culture – psychodramatic intervention”
- May 31st, 1996 – Dr. Roberto de Inocencio: “Gender Roles: Roles We Choose to Play and Roles We Have to Play”
- June 2nd, 1996 – Dr. Roberto de Inocencio: “Ethics – the Psychotherapeutic Challenge”
- Aug 17th, 1996 – Professor Pierre Fontaine: “Role Play – Differences to Psychodrama”
- Aug 18th, 1996 – Chantal Neve Hanquet: “Psychodrama in Training Professionals in the Social Sphere and Education”
- Sept 14th, 1996 – Bernhard Achterberg: “Violence – a Humanistic Approach to Understanding It and Dealing with It”.
In the summer of 1998 the world lost an extraordinary person, and the psychodrama community in Bulgaria, and Psychodrama Center Orpheus in particular, lost one of their dearest friends – Bernhard Achterberg. - September 1996 – Yaacov Naor: “Using Expressive and Creative Art Therapy Techniques along with Psychodrama”
- October 1996 – Professor David Kipper: “Concretizations and Metaphors in Psychodrama”
- June 26th, 1997 – Sue Daniel: “Sociometry and Psychodrama”
- Sept 25th, 1998 – Sue Daniel: “Psychodramatic Work with Addictions”
- June 27th, 1999 – Sue Daniel: “Shame and guilt”
- July 1999 – Professor David Kipper: “Integrating Psychodrama into Other Psychotherapeutic Methods”
- January 2001 – Professor David Kipper: “The Surplas Reality as a Therapeutic Factor” At that time it was already translated into Bulgarian and a few months later published the book by Prof. Kipper – “Theory and Practice of Psychodrama”. It included a new chapter, specially written and published for the first time in the Bulgarian edition, namely “Psychological simulations and a paradigm of therapeutic simulation”.
- Oct 11th , 2001 – Eva Falstrom introduced “Playback Theatre and some of its aplications” to the audience at the Medical Academy of Sofia, along with the first performance of Playback Theatre Orpheus.
- Aug 14th, 2004 – Professor David Kipper: “Why Psychodrama: the Experiential Reintegrating Model and Additional Reality”. The lecture was welcomed with a great deal of interest and stormy discussion. It was followed by a performance by the Playbak Theater Orpheus – exciting moments of the 50th anniversary celebration of the director and founder of the Psychodrama Center Orpheus – Dr. Galabina Tarashoeva
- March 30th, 2005 – Chantal Neve Hanquet: “Spontaneity and Creativity”
- Jan 5th, 2007 – Professor David Kipper: “Can Spontaneity be Measured – Some Empirical Data”. This lecture, held again in the even more crowded audience of a psychiatric clinic at the Medical Academy, was the last meeting of our community with Professor David Kipper.
- February 24th 2011 – Dr. Monika Zuretti: „The Modern Application of Moreno’s Heritage:” The Continuum Psychodrama – Sociodrama”
- February 22th 012 – Gabriela Moita: “Psychodrama and Intimacy”
- February 23th 2012 – Gabriela Moita:“Studies in Psychotherapy”
- October 10th 2011 – Manuela Masiel: “Transgenerational psychodrama – working with repetitive patterns in the family.”
- October 16th 2011 – Marsa Karp: “Psychosomatic Diseases and Psychodrama.”
- March 16th 2012 – Dr. Fabian Blobel and Helena Brem: “Psychodramatic Group Therapy with Children”
- June 19th 2015 – Dr. Fabian Blobel: Psychodrama and active methods in groups with parents of children with mental or pedagogical problems – lecture at the Sofia University
28.08.19 - Dr. Fabian Blobel: Lecture-demonstration of Psychodrama for children by the method of Alfons Aichinger, after which two training groups were formed and started in this method, led by Dr. Fabian Blobel and his student from the first group, Dr. Petra Marinova.