While studying the flow of emotions and feelings in the interpersonal spaces, Dr. Moreno coined the term Tele. With this he denoted the process which attracts individuals to one another or which repels them, the flow of feelings between two people; he focused on the element of mutuality in this flow.
For now we need to accept that some real process in one person’s life situation is sensitive and corresponds to some real process in another person’s life situation and that there are numerous degrees, positive and negative, of these interpersonal sensitivities.
The tele between any two individuals may be potential. It may never become active unless these individuals are brought into proximity or unless their feelings and ideas meet at a distance through some channel – for instance, the networks. These distance or tele effects have been found to be complex sociometric structures produced by a long chain of individuals, each with a different degree of sensitivity for the same Tele, ranging from total indifference to a maximum response. This difficult to define but real phenomenon would probably be further studied in years to come, especially after the discovery of the mirror neurons in the brain.